Sunday, January 8, 2012

Front Page News Story

  Soon There Will Be No Invaders
  Great Wall of China Has Begun 
AUGUST, 221 B.C.E- It was an interesting meeting yesterday when Emperor Qin Shi Huang announced that he will be beginning the build of the Great Wall of China. The emperor was influenced to begin this when someone suggested that we do something about protecting our country and making sure China is a safe place during this dynasty.  The options the emperor had according to a reporter were either strengthening our army and building it up, creating the Great Wall of China, or improving the guards of our country!  This wall will begin in the next week according to the Emperor! The whole purpose of building the wall is to add some protection and prevent our enemies from invading!  Everyone at the meeting was all for this idea and that encouraged the Emperor to begin getting workers to begin building! This will be a huge project, but will definitely be completed!


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