The compass was invented during the Qin dynasty. This was an important invention during this time period because travelers now had some direction of where they were headed! The first person that officially recorded to have used the compass was Chinese admiral Zheng He, who made eight sea voyages between 1405 and 1433.
The inventor of the compass is unknown, according to many sources. The first time the compass was used as a tool of navigation in the history of the compass was in 1117 when Zhu Yu’s book Pingzhou Table Talks came out! Prior to the invention, Chinese referred to magnetism and magnetic needles in many of their books.
The compass had changed many people's lives in multiple ways. For example, people now had a tool that helped them travel. In the modern period, compasses are much more advanced than in the ancient times. In addition, today many different types of compasses have emerged such as: a protractor, map scales, mirrors and sighting devices.
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